Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Obama Hits Up Wall Street 'Fat Cats' For Reelection Funds, But What About Jobs?

By Sarah Jaffe

As Barack Obama gears up for his reelection fight, Wall Street donors are leery of handing over the cash--and former advisers warn about jobs.
It's not a surprise, really, that Barack Obama is courting Wall Street donors (again) for his reelection campaign.
Still, the bold, black New York Times headline is a bit jarring. “Obama Seeks to Win Back Wall Street Cash.”
We knew it was coming, but still.
It's not just that there have been no prosecutions of anyone responsible for the financial crisis. It's not just the extension of the Bush tax cuts, overwhelmingly benefiting the rich. It's not just the lack of any meaningful jobs program, or the appointment of banker buddy William Daley as White House Chief of Staff.
This latest report stings because while unemployment hovers just above 9 percent, the administration is more concerned with giving the appearance, to the people who created the crisis, that it's on their side.
A couple of weeks before officially kicking off his reelection campaign, President Obama met with two dozen Wall Street executives at the White House, and asked them for their thoughts on how to bring the economy back to life. Apparently the topics included hedge fund regulation and the deficit. No word if putting people back to work, or paying them a living wage, was on the itinerary.

Read More: http://www.alternet.org/news/151282/obama_hits_up_wall_street_%27fat_cats%27_for_reelection_funds%2C_but_what_about_jobs_

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