Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Obama asks Republicans to make him screw the 99% and protect the 1%, with the "Grand Bargain"

 Obama and Boehner about to finally put it to the 99% and protect 1%

Why does Obama seem to get rolled by republicans even when he is in a strong bargaining position, because he wants to get rolled. He isn't weak he is just doing what he feels will get him what he wants with offense to the fewest number of people.

Obama is not a wild eyed liberal socialist. Obama is a conservative corporatist, to the right of Ronald Reagan. He wants to protect the wealthy and Wall Street, he wants to be the first president to cut medicare and social security. He has increased government spying on citizens, he doesn't want to restrict corporate spying on individuals. He pushed a health care bill that was a wet kiss to the insurance industry, and would not allow even talk of some kind of public option let alone single payer (medicare for all). Obama believes in trickle down economics, when ever he asks for economic stimulus the lions share he proposes is tax cuts.

Obama's main problem is that Americans are progressive and he is conservative. Americans want to tax the rich, Obama doesn't, Americans want to help home owners, Obama wants to help the banks. But Obama has a very strong ally, the Republican party. So Obama is a very talented politician, and he knows that if he talks progressive, but bargains poorly with conservatives he will arrive at the conservative position he desires while being able to to say its not my fault, they made me do it.

This “Grand Bargain” is a perfect example of how Obama works. He has created a false crisis at the end of the year, the “Fiscal Cliff”. There is no crisis, if nothing was done, middle class taxes would go up very slightly and the wealthy would go back to paying the tax rate they paid under Clinton, NO PROBLEM. The new revenue would be a great boon to lowering our national debt and balancing our budget. But Obama wants to keep taxes low on corporations and the wealthy, so he and his allays in the Republican party will create this “Grand Bargain” where Obama will be forced by Republican intransigence to accept a deal where there is a slight rise in the capital gains rate (15% to 18 or 20%) no change in the marginal rates with a few under used loop holes closed, but with cuts to Medicade, Medicare and if he is really lucky Social Security.

The middle class will pay more in taxes and the rich will not. in a year or two the loop holes will be back and the rich will be paying a lower effective tax rate.

But some one has to pay for all these gifts to the wealthy, so middle class get ready to kiss your mortgage deduction good bye.

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