Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Romney Tells His Fat Cat Donors What He Thinks Of The Real Hard Working Americans. They Are Moochers!

Romney demands that seniors take 'personal responsibility'

by Armando
U.S. Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney pauses during his reaction to the Supreme Court's upholding key parts of President Barack Obama's signature healthcare overhaul law during a rooftop news conference in Washington June 28, 2012. Romney sai
Romney promises tough choices for you, but not for him and his rich friends.
Most of today's seniors, who worked hard, played by the rules and paid their taxes, have retired. Most seniors do not pay federal income taxes.
Mitt Romney says about them:
My job is not to worry about those people [...]’ll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives.”
In his press conference last night, Romney said:
I recognize that among those that pay no tax, approximately 47 percent of Americans, I’m not likely to be highly successful with the message of lowering taxes.
Romney's message is that in order to lower taxes for his wealthy friends he will demand that retirees who worked hard, played by the rules, saved for retirement and counted on the promise of Social Security and Medicare, "take personal responsibility" and pay higher taxes, receive less in Social Security and trade in the promise of Medicare for Ryan's Vouchercare, ending Medicare as we know it.
Tax cuts for the rich. Tax hikes and benefits cuts for seniors and the undeserving rest of us.
That's the Romney promise. That's Romney's idea of personal responsibility.

Class warfare, anyone?

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