Saturday, January 28, 2012

GOP (Greed Over People) Want To Destroy Programs You Paid For And Transfer The Money To Their Top .01% Donors By Privatization.

GOP race-baiting masks class warfare

By demonizing some, the Republicans seek to discredit the safety net for the 99 percent

Occupy DC protesters hold signs during a march
Occupy DC protesters hold signs during a march  (Credit: Jonathan Ernst / Reuters)

It’s commonplace to note that Newt Gingrich’s dog-whistle appellation that Barack Obama is the “food stamp president” is both racist and politically cynical. But the stereotyping of black government dependency also serves the strategic end of discrediting the entire social safety net, which most Americans of all races depend on. Black people are subtly demonized, but whites and blacks alike will suffer.

Gingrich persists because it’s a dependable applause line, and because his political fortunes keep rising. Compare that to September, when Mitt Romney attacked then-candidate Rick Perry for calling Social Security a “Ponzi scheme.” Perry backtracked, insisting that he only wanted to bolster the program and ensure its solvency. But in his 2010 book “Fed Up,” Perry made his opposition to Social Security clear, calling it “a crumbling monument to the failure of the New Deal.” Scrapping entitlements is a core tenet of contemporary fiscal conservatism, but most of the time politicians only get away with attacking the most vulnerable ones: Medicaid, food stamps and welfare cash assistance, which are means-tested and thus associated with the black (read: undeserving) poor, although whites make up a far greater share of food stamp recipients. Government welfare programs with Teflon political defenses — Medicare and Social Security — are nearly universal entitlements and thus associated with “regular” (read: white) Americans.

Read More: Here

1 comment:

  1. Greedy Old People
    We have ours so let them become slaves to the priviledged.
