Friday, December 16, 2011

Living in Middle Earth

Why Americans should love Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings – we live there

13 DECEMBER 2011
by Fabius Maximus
(See full article to read the longer introduction with details around The Lord of the Rings story  - lgmc.)

An excerpt...

We too live in Middle Earth, a nation with great and powerful wizards who can accomplish deeds beyond the imagination of lesser folks.  Celebrities who live out their hedonistic fantasies, unrestrained by our laws and moral codes.  Politicians to whom we give our hearts — such as Obama, Ron Paul.  Wealthy businessnessmen who rape our economy, operating above our laws.
These people own our government.  Charities are determined by their priorities.  Their hired hands write our laws, pass judgement in our courts.  Their police suppress protests.  The great Wall Street banks are engines shaping society to their design.  The news media tell their narrative explaining events (as in thisop-ed by suck-up expert David Brooks).  The major think-tanks create stories justifying their plans for America.
American politics is little but jousts among factions of the rich.  Republican presidential candidates compete to see who can tax the rich the least, shift the most of the tax burden to the middle class, and slash the largest amount of benefits to the poor.  Success comes to those who most skillfully pander to their pretenses and most successfully advance their interests.
Like Bill Gates, a next-gen American prince.  Here we see his version of Rivendell, built on a hillside overlooking Lake Washington in Medina, Washington.  66,000 square feet on 5.15 acres; assessed value $200 million.

Read full article here.

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