Thursday, June 2, 2011

What Can I Do?

There is a wide variety of things people can do to change the path our country is on and help to steer it back toward a more equitable and ethical future.

Make noise. As we have seen in the past the squeaky wheel gets the grease. The republican party understands this and they whip their members and followers to too a public frenzy about what ever issue they want implemented, and they get their payoff. The democrats make weak statements from time to time in soft accommodating tones and get zip, nothing, not even a thank you from the republicans when they finally cave to great republican noise machine. So if you want a change in way things are going then speak up. The next time some dimwit starts to regurgitate some plutocratic talking points like "lower taxes for the rich creates jobs" don't meekly sit there and listen, get in their face and give them the facts. Lower taxes have never created jobs, demand for goods creates jobs. In the conservative's halcyon days of the 1950s to 1970s the tax rate on the wealthy ranged from 90% to 75%. The effective tax rate for the wealthy now stands at about 15% and many pay even less. In recent times Clinton raised taxes on the wealthy and created jobs, Bush lowered taxes on the wealthy and lost jobs. As taxes for the wealthy goes down so does economic activity it's a fact. Set them straight, and Get Vocal in Public.

Don't give your money to people who want to steal it. No one should be supporting the wall street "banksters" and their desire to rob the American people blind. If you have money in any of the "too big to fail banks" move it! There are plenty of community banks that will provide all the financial services you need. Check out the Move Your Money Project ( ) they can help you find an honest local bank.

Join others of like mind. There are true grass roots organizations who are looking for ways to preserve the middle class and hold accountable those who have looted the American economy, US Uncut ( ) comes to mind. But beware of wolves in sheep's clothing. The monied elite have founded many astroturf organizations that pretend to advance the goals of the middle class but are really just there to push for cuts in programs that aid the vast majority of Americans, so that they can free up money to lower taxes for the rich. The tea party comes to mind. Why is it they scream about taxes but are completely silent about wall street bailouts, unlimited corporate political spending and the revolving-door between Congress and K street lobbyist? It is because they unwittingly and wittingly take orders from front groups like Americans for Prosperity, etc. These organizations were started and supported by the likes of the Koch brothers and other uber rich fanatics. Remember "it's all about the money Lobowski".

The next time your congress critter or senator calls for a donation, inform them that you only donate to those that represent your interests not those of corporations. And if they change their actions ( not just their rhetoric ) you may be inclined to reconsider a donation. Remember money talks and BS walks.

We all have a natural desire to work together with others while at the same time advance our own particular self interest. These two desires may at some time be in conflict or in concert. We do know intuitively that when people have money to spend the economy grows and we all get richer. But when just a few have money to spend the economy slows and we all get poorer.

There is something you can do, so just do it.

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