The first round of the plutocratic class war to create a new world order is being played out in Greece right now. The large international financial corporations and their handmaiden, the IMF, are pursuing the change of Greece from a first world nation to a neo-feudal vassal state. The IMF has convinced the government to take the IMF money to bail out the banks, protect the wealthy bond holders and institute severe austerity measures that effect the middle class and the poor. The result of this policy will be a stagnation of the economy, a continuation of the recession at best or a complete economic meltdown. The government will have no money to cycle through the economy for infrastructure improvements or social safety net maintenance. The middle class will not have access to capital to create new business and since most monies will be syphoned off to pay for IMF loans there will be less local main street business activity. The result of these policies has always led to a decrease in the middle class and a rise in the working poor. This policy has always worked well in the third world to keep poor countries poor, in debt, and subservient to multinational corporations that have financial interests in those countries.
This is the future of Greece.
Next on the hit list after Greece is Turkey and Ireland. All three of these countries have something in common, they all were praised by the international financial community for following the US economic model of unregulated financial speculation to drive their economies. See a pattern emerging? As in most things economic today we in the US are on the slower track and usually get hip to the trend a little later than the Europeans. The day is coming when Americans will be asked to make the same sacrifice that the Greeks are making today. It will come wrapped in a flag carrying a bible shouting constitutional freedom.
The the Greek middle class have woken up to the future the financial oligarchs have planned for them and. The Greek middle-class are starting to engage in financial disobedience campaigns such as the "I won't pay" campaign designed to speak to the Greek ruling class in terms they understand: money and defiant power.
Keep your eyes on Greece.
The real question is will Americans see the future that awaits them or will they blindly accept what Wall Street banksters and their international financial henchmen say they should? I would suggest they wake up and resist this rush to a neo-feudal future that wall-street has planned.
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