We are the middle class and we will not just disappear into the night. We are hard-working, American Families trying to keep our houses, jobs and way of life. We have been painted in the conservative media as “Un-American”, “Free-loaders”, “Living Beyond our Means” and many other inaccurate terms. We are no different than anyone else just trying to make a living. The American dream of a house, a car and a decent way of life is being stripped away from us. Heck, the American dream of buying food, gas for your car and just having a basic way of life is disappearing.
We are losing the fight! So called modification reviews, along with months and months of waiting-only to be declined, has reduced our numbers. We have been lied to; we have been ignored and we have been written off by politicians. We have lost our jobs and been forced to make cuts, including the most basic necessities.
The time has come for us to rally together and change our path that is leading to indifference and apathy. Families all over America are struggling to make ends meet, feed their families and get through each day. Enough is enough!
Tell us your story. We will do everything we can to get your story out. They can ignore a few of us, but they can’t ignore all of us. Strength truly is in numbers.
Join US and let your voices be heard!
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