Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Welcome to the LGMC Blog!

The Late Great Middle Class Bog Welcomes You!
We are a group of people like you with sole intention of bringing the masses together to fight the further decline, or worse, the extinction of the middle class.    We are not interested in our own notoriety which is why we will remain anonymous.  We are truly interested in bringing this fight to President Obama or Elizabeth Warren or whoever will listen and help our cause.  We will post blogs in 3 different formats.
  1. To start with, we will post some of our own experiences.  A couple of us have been actively experiencing unemployment, underemployment, disability, and home loss.  We urge every reader to post their experiences as well.  Sharing with each other will not only help cathartically but help bring these issues to light for those who do not believe they are real.
  2. We will also post links or repost articles we feel are informative and enlightening relating to the downfall of the middle class. 
  3. In addition, we will post our own general commentary on current events and will welcome your opinion and feedback.
This blog not meant to be depressing.  We  do know it can be when one thinks of the future at the current pace.  However, we do feel that there is still time to change the events yet to come.  We welcome all people regardless of religion, race or creed.  We know there will be some that read the first post and label this is liberal nonsense.  They are the same people who might label Obama a Socialist, Communist or a Nazi; after all, they are all the same right? In the end though, we are people like you:  working, living, raising families, struggling to at least live the life we did when we were kids.  Most of us I think wanted more than that for our own famil. 
We need to make our voices heard together as a large and politically strong entity!

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