Thursday, November 3, 2016

Dear President Obama

Open Letter to President Obama
Mr. President:

When I cast my first vote as a Democrat in 1988, I was only 18 years old.  I admit that didn’t know much about politics and I mindlessly registered as a Democrat.  My dad was a Republican and my mom was life-long Democrat.  I felt much more aligned with the DNC and in my eyes there were only two parties to choose from in the US.   I continued to vote Democrat, without passion or interest until you ran in 2008.  I was still fairly young and I had two small children.  When I heard your speeches and I saw your face, I felt hope…I saw hope…I heard hope.  It felt like for the first time in my life, my vote could make a difference.  It seemed like you would make a difference.   Life was not easy at the point. The recession was just starting and we were barely surviving.  I was a stay at home mom, with a severely asthmatic child and health issues of my own.  Medical bills, mortgage payments and credit card bills were piling up.  I was beginning to wonder how we were going to make it. 

I went to the polls with my kids that November day and proudly cast my ballot.  Maybe I was naive and drank too much of the Koolaid, but I expected changes.  Three years later, changes weren’t coming quickly enough and in four years my life wasn’t much better.  In fact, life was harder.  My husband was working multiple jobs and I was working odd jobs and selling off possessions on Ebay.  I was feeling frustrated and I had marched with the Occupy Movement and I was becoming more active in progressive movements.  I saw a sign at the first March.  It said: 2012 Pres Dream Team Sanders and Warren.  I started to research more on Elizabeth Warren now, as well.  The more I learned, the more I saw that you weren’t very progressive. 

Did I vote for you again in 2012? Of course I did.  I did what all good Democrats did. I voted Blue, no matter who. 

Bernie Sanders was on my radar in 2011 and I watched as he became more vocal, especially when it came to Wall Street Reform.  When I saw the he was running for President and no less on the Democratic ticket a glimmer of hope sparked in my darkness.  Could we have the change we so desperately needed? 

I listened to his speeches and I watched as he became more and more popular. He was connecting with people on a level that even you didn’t do in 2008 nor in 2012.   Thousands of people were showing up to listen to him speak. By January and February of 2016, lines snaked around city blocks with people desperate to hear his message.  When a large march took place in Pasadena, CA I took my children and mother to march with me.  When we returned home, my kids excitedly put the news on to see the coverage of the march.  Why wouldn’t it be on tv?  The Los Angeles news shows coverage of celebrities, animals, and endless news of Trump and Clinton.  As we watched, only one station showed a spot.  

 It was a 5 second spot that said “a few hundred” people showed up.  My 13 year old looked at me confused.  “A few hundred people? There were a few thousand.  It was a big deal.  Why aren’t they talking about it”.  It took that comment for me to realize what was happening.  I started to pay attention.  The news was blatantly not paying attention to Sanders and when they did it was negative or minimal.  The more people that showed up to march or see him, the less coverage he received.  I attended a rally in Palm Springs, CA and left with such hope and inspiration.  Yet, something wasn’t right.  We weren’t getting equal media time, there were polling/voting issues, claims of debate schedule issues, fraud accusations and more.    

Any time I brought this up or anyone I know spoke of this, we were treated like Fox Mulder from the X-Files.  We were treated like Conspiracy Theorists. 

Flash forward to the convention.  The first Wikileaks emails were exposed.  I read them and you could almost cut my anger with a knife.  We began to see that we weren’t crazy.  We WERE Fox Mulder and if you watched X-Files, you know he wasn’t crazy. He was actually right the whole time.  We were right the whole time.  I could barely bring myself to watch any of the convention.  When I saw Elizabeth Warren begin to speak, literally a piece of my heart broke away.  She had been a champion of our cause for many years.  Was she paid off? Was she threatened? Was she part of the game to begin with?  Then the unthinkable happened.  Bernie Sanders “conceded” to Hillary Clinton.  He did it without a real fight and in light of what the DNC did to him and to us.  Were we angry? Did we feel betrayed by the system? Hell yeah we did and we had every right to feel that way.  This is the kind of betrayal and anger that can't be swept away and forgotten.  

 I watched as you didn’t condemn what your party had done.  You quietly thanked Debbie Wasserman Schultz for her service and ignore everything going on in your own Party.    You ignored the Bernie Sanders delegates in the crowd sobbing. The media mentioned them with contempt and mocked them.  They were not sobbing because they lost. They were sobbing because they realized their party was never really going to let Sanders win. They were sobbing because their party lied to them.  They were sobbing because you lied to them. They were sobbing because they were being treated like shit inside and outside the convention hall. They were sobbing because outside the hall, people were marching in anger and no one was talking about it.  They were sobbing because that iconic photo of you, with the word HOPE written in the background was now a faded piece of paper, crumbling.  They were sobbing because you had failed them and all of us.

As thousands of Wikileaks files are being released daily, you continue with your silence. You have lost more followers than you will ever know. We aren’t “just” millennials.  We are moms, dads, Generation X’ers, sisters, brothers, Americans.  We are fed up and we aren’t taking this anymore. 

Your silence now extends to other progressive issues.   I have watched the nightmare of the Standing Rock issue since it began.  I have waited for your action and yet there is silence.  You are quietly waiting for November 8th to come and go.  When Hillary Clinton is elected, you will let the pipeline continue and then it won’t affect your party’s chances of being elected.  It is a cowardice move.  Regardless of who is right or wrong on the matter, people are wrongfully being detained and hurt. There are innocent people that you are supposed to be protecting.  Your job is to stop what is going on and at least pretend to care.  Your job is to have it investigated further. Do your job. 

You may think that this will not follow you when you leave the White House.  But it will follow you.  This will be a part of your legacy.  When my 14 year old doesn’t trust his own government, you should know that you haven’t done your job.  My job as a parent, is to teach him respect, love, discipline, educate them and to be a truth teller.  A truth teller.  That means even when that truth hurts.  I have done my job. Do your job.

So IF Trump wins, don’t blame us.  Blame yourself and your party.  You had the chance to make this right.  You had the chance to clean out dirty laundry in your party, even if that laundry was your candidate.  Blaming us-the people that supported you until you didn’t support us-is the move of a 10 year old.  One of the first lessons I taught my kids was to accept responsibility for their actions.  We are acting like Trump is the only bully and bad influence for our kids in this election?  He definitely is both.  But so is your party.  The lessons you are teaching are youth is it is ok to lie, cheat, cover it up and pretend like it is ok, as long as you don’t get caught or admit it. 

If Clinton wins, know that we are not rejoicing.  She will not be my President.  The media can try to control the stories 24 hours a day to us and change the truth, but it can’t change what we know. I will vote for a woman I can trust. I will vote Green.  Jill Stein has my vote. 

And to the MEDIA…. I have a special message for you.  You are nothing but a joke at this point.  What happened to unbiased new coverage? What happened to journalists doing a job that entailed research, honesty and integrity? What happened to having the courage to do what is right?  You have failed us, as well.  You are a part of the problem. 

You should take notes from journalists such as Jordan Chariton and Jimmy Dore from TYT, Bernie Sanders Delegates who reported from the ground like Jeff Day, Claudia Stauber, Progressive show creator-Tim Black at Night, truth teller Josh Fox and MANY others I have encountered on social media,  in the past two years. Media- DO YOUR JOB. 

Farewell Mr. President.  Sleep well knowing that many people, especially  kids who looked up to you will remember you for these things.  A new generation of activism and revolution will be born from this.  A viable third party will be born from this.  The Green party will get the 5% it needs and this is just the beginning. 

I once read that you recommended The Matrix to Scifi fans.  I will leave you with this.  Please know that we have taken the red pill and we are never going back. 

This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.

The Late Great Middle Class